
Register for Vet Science Week Here

Not an ANZCVS Member?

To become a member of the College a candidate must have at least three and a half years post-graduate experience as a veterinarian and have successfully completed both written and oral/practical examinations in one of the diverse range of subjects on offer.

All persons intending to attend Vet Science Week must complete a Registration Form.  Please read the below registration information before you complete the Registration Form.  Should you experience any difficulties please contact the Vet Science Week Organisers via

Registration Fees

Registration Type

Early Bird Rate 

Standard Rate

  (Closes Monday 29 April, 2024) (Opens Tuesday 30 April, 2024)
3 Day Member Registration $1000.00 $1300.00
2 Day Member Registration $795.00 $995.00
1 Day Member Registration $450.00 $550.00
3 Day Non-Member Registration $1300.00 $1600.00
2 Day Non-Member Registration $995.00 $1195.00
1 Day Non-Member Registration $550.00 $650.00
3 Day Vet Nurse, Vet Technicians, Residents, Students $950.00 $1250.00
2 Day Vet Nurse, Vet Technicians, Residents, Students $750.00 $950.00
1 Day Vet Nurse, Vet Technicians, Residents, Students $400.00 $500.00
Poster Presenter Thursday Registration* $225.00  
3 Day Additional Exhibitor Registration $500.00  
2 Day Additional Exhibitor Registration $350.00  
1 Day Additional Exhibitor Registration $200.00  

All prices include GST (sales tax) and are in Australian dollars.

To view the current foreign exchange rates, please visit

Registration passes cannot be shared.

Dates are shown in Australian Eastern Standard Time (AEST).

Registrations Now Available

Not an ANZCVS Member?

To become a member of the College a candidate must have at least three and a half years post-graduate experience as a veterinarian and have successfully completed both written and oral/practical examinations in one of the diverse range of subjects on offer.

Registration Terms and Conditions

The registration fee entitles all delegates to the following:

  • All sessions
  • Social functions: Welcome Reception and Program Presentation (Thursday 25 July) and Happy Hour (Friday 26 July) 
  • Catering: Morning and afternoon teas, Lunches

Member Registration

Delegate must be a registered member of ANZCVS. Members are entitled to the following:

  • All sessions
  • Social functions: Welcome Reception and Program Presentation (Thursday 25 July) and Happy Hour (Friday 26 July) 
  • Catering: Morning and afternoon teas, Lunches

Student Registration

A student is defined as a holder of a student identification card from a recognised tertiary or secondary educational institution or international student card.  Students must be studying full time to qualify for the discounted rate.  Student registrants are entitled to the following:

  • All sessions
  • Social functions: Welcome Reception and Program Presentation (Thursday 25 July) and Happy Hour (Friday 26 July) 
  • Catering: Morning and afternoon teas, Lunches

Please note:  A copy of your student identification card must be uploaded to the registration form when selecting the Student Registration category. Without this copy, the full registration fee will be charged.

Day Registrants

Day Registration entitles delegates to the following:

  • All sessions on the nominated day
  • Social functions: Welcome Reception and Poster Program Presentation (Thursday 25 July) 
  • Catering: Morning and afternoon teas, Lunches on nominated day

Poster Presenters

This year, poster sessions will be held during the Welcome Reception and Poster Presentation on Thursday 25 July to provide poster presenters the opportunity to interact with delegates. Poster presenters will receive a 50% discount on registration for Thursday 25 July and will need to pay full price on other days. If they do not wish to register, they can still attend the Welcome Reception and Poster Presentation at no charge to present their poster. 

Registration confirmation
Your completed registration and successful payment will be acknowledged via email or post with confirmation of your requirements according to your registration form.  Your registration will only be processed or confirmed if payment does accompany your form.

Name badge
Each member of the Conference will receive a name badge upon registration.  The badge will be your official pass and must be clearly visible at all times to obtain entry to all sessions and to social functions. The Vet Science Week Organisers expect appropriate behaviour from attendees and reserve the right to revoke the badge and privileges of anyone behaving in an inappropriate manner.


Credit Card

Please note all online registrations require immediate payment by credit card.  Please visit our secure website to register and book your accommodation in ‘real time’.  Accepted credit cards: MasterCard, Visa and American Express (edit if necessary). Please note all transactions by credit card will appear on your statement as payment to ‘Conference by Arinex Pty Ltd’.


Cancellations must be notified in writing to the Vet Science Week Organisers at

Cancellations on or before Thursday 25 April 2024 will incur a A$150.00 cancellation fee.
Cancellations from Friday 26 April 2024 to Wednesday 12 June 2024 will incur a 50% cancellation fee.
Cancellations on or after Thursday 13 June 2024 will receive no refund


Avani Broadbeach Residences
Any cancellations made within 14 to 1 day prior or No Shows will be charged a cancellation fee equal to one (1) night’s deposit. For reductions in stay dates, no fee will apply if notification of the change is provided to the hotel outside of 24 hours of the changed date.
Dorsett Gold Coast
Any cancellations made within 14 to 1 day prior or No Shows will be charged a cancellation fee equal to one (1) night’s deposit. For reductions in stay dates, no fee will apply if notification of the change is provided to the hotel outside of 24 hours of the changed date
QT Gold Coast
Any cancellations made within 45days prior to arrival or No Shows will be charged a cancellation fee equal to the full accommodation component (100%).

Payments are non-refundable as at Wednesday 12 June 2024

Pre-Conference Workshops
Payments are non-refundable as at Wednesday 12 June 2024 

The program is correct at the time of publishing.  The organisers reserve the right to delete, modify or alter items from the program or to delete, modify or alter any aspect of Vet Science Week timetabling and delivery at their sole discretion and without notice.  Neither the host organisation(s) nor the Vet Science Week Organisers will accept any liability for any loss or inconvenience caused to any party consequent to such changes.

The Vet Science Week Organisers reserve the right to use any recordings whether audio or video and/or any photographs taken at any stage during the Conference for promotional, advertising or reporting of the Meeting and/or its content at their sole discretion.

Australia operates under the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth), as amended, and the Privacy Amendment (Notifiable Data Breaches), 2017. The objective of these is to protect the right of the individual to privacy of their information.

Europe operates under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) (Regulation (EU) 2016/679), a regulation in EU law on data protection and privacy for all individuals within the European Union. The GDPR aims primarily to give protection to citizens over their personal data. The legislation was adopted on 27 April 2016.

The Meeting Managers will not sell your personal information to third parties. If you believe that any information we are holding on you is incorrect or incomplete, please email us and we will promptly correct the information. You may also withdraw your consent for use of your information by advice to us in writing.

Why do we wish you to provide your information?

We require your information to facilitate provision of information to you regarding the Summit and to facilitate your participation in the Meeting. Information collected in respect of your proposed participation in any aspect of the Meeting will be used for the purposes listed below. You can give or withhold your consent for each or all of these uses. Please indicate your preferences when completing your registration form but please note that we will be unable to forward any information relating to the Meeting or to communicate with you regarding your registration if you select ‘no’ to point 1.

What we will do with your information?

  1. Planning and conduct of the Meeting including arrangements for your participation;
  2. In the Attendee List for the Meeting;
  3. May also be provided to organisers of future occurrences of this Meeting;
  4. May be used to provide you with information of other relevant events in your area of interest.

Important Notes:
The parties who will have access to your information (subject to your preference selections on above points) are the Meeting Managers (points 1 and point 3), sponsors and exhibitors of the Summit (point 2) and any future organisers of the Meeting (point 3).

The parties mentioned above will rely on your above consent indications for the purposes of compliance.

You may withdraw your granular consent at any time by notice in writing to the Meeting Managers.
You are entitled to access the information held by written application to the Meeting Managers.

For further information please see Arinex’s Privacy Statement here

Your health and safety are our priority. This is a COVID-safe event with the following rules to adhere to:

  • All delegates and exhibitors must present a NEGATIVE Rapid Antigen Test before travelling to Vet Science Week.
  • All attendees must comply with the Safety Plan advised by public health orders to minimise the risk of transmission of COVID-19 on the premises.
  • Vet Science Week will not cover expenses associated with extra accommodation or alternative transport costs due to isolation requirements should attendees test positive at the event. All attendees should be aware that the events are ‘Attend at your own risk’.

Disclaimer of Liability 

The Organising Committee will not accept liability for damages of any nature sustained by participants or their accompanying persons or loss of or damage to their personal property as a result of the meeting or related events. 

Should the event be cancelled due to COVID-related restrictions, the Organising Committee shall endeavour to reschedule. All participants who have paid a registration fee will receive a full refund on the registration fee, but all participants hereby indemnify and hold the Organising Committee unaccountable for all out-of-pocket travel and quarantine -related costs, damages and expenses. 

By registering for and attending the event, you are also indicating your acceptance of the above disclaimer.

It is the policy of the Organising Committee for Vet Science Week 2024 that all attendees are able to participate in its activities and are able to enjoy an environment that is free from discrimination and harassment. The Organising Committee is committed to making VSW24 productive and enjoyable for everyone, regardless of race, gender, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, body size, nationality or religion. Harassment of any form will not be tolerated and might result in the perpetrators being permanently removed from VSW24 and reported to relevant authorities.

The code of conduct outlined here applies to all attendees, without exception. Participation in any of VSW24 activities constitutes implicit acceptance and understanding of the code of conduct by the participants. Ignorance of the code will not be considered an attenuating circumstance in dealing with any type of infringement of the code as outlined.

Everybody participating in the VSW24 is expected to:

  • Behave professionally.
  • Be considerate and respectful to others. To not insult or put down other members, participants and attendees. To critique ideas, not individuals.

All communication must be appropriate for a professional audience that includes people of many different backgrounds. Inappropriate use of sexist, racist or ageist language and imagery, and / or any other commentary that is or can be perceived to be discriminatory in any way, is not permitted. Inappropriate language or behaviour include (but are not limited to) jokes, sustained disruption of talks or other events, sexual attention or innuendo, deliberate intimidation, stalking, and photography or recording of an individual without consent. Offensive comments about race, gender, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, body size or religion, will not be tolerated.

Individuals engaging in behaviour prohibited by this policy as well as those making allegations of harassment in bad faith, will be subject to disciplinary action by the Organising Committee. Such actions may range from a verbal warning, to permanent ejection from an event or activity disrupted by the behaviour or the entire Meeting, without refund of the registration fees (where applicable).

Repeat offenders may be banned from participating in future activities and events. Serious offences will be reported to the relevant authorities.

Anyone wishing to report a violation of this policy is asked to speak confidentially to the one of the VSW24 Organising Committee members.

International delegates can request for an official Welcome Letter from the Vet Science Week Organisers to assist with their VISA Applications after paying for their Conference registration. Please forward a copy of your registration confirmation email and receipt to the Science Week Organisers at and request for a Welcome Letter.

Please note that the above must be provided otherwise your request will be denied.